
Bad Kiwi Santas in drunken rampage

Bad Kiwi Santas in drunken rampage

* Story Highlights
* Swearing drunk Santas frighten customers and damage property
* Group did lightning 20-second raid on Hoyts Cinema complex in Christchurch
* They ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures
* Next Article in World »

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A gang of about 50 apparently drunken Santas invaded a New Zealand cinema complex at the weekend -- frightening customers, damaging property and swearing, the cinema's manager said Monday.

Thought by police to be university students dressed in Santa suits, the group did a lightning 20-second raid on Hoyts Cinema complex in the South Island city of Christchurch on Saturday, manager Derek Rive said.

"As they ran through the complex they wrecked everything they could, the Christmas tree -- they bowled everything over ... (they were) just absolute fools," he told The Associated Press.

He said the "hooligans" abused patrons, chanted obscenities, ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films.



click the above link to spend yet ANOTHER christmas with the LOHANS...


and i just watched this version . LOVED IT!!

The Phone Call

Job Opportunity: Web Producer

wow, is this the first job posting on FOT?? This is some hot career realness.
Contact me directly if interested.


i always french random dudes at the Bedford L station

and i love running around the city looking for other dudes to make out with while wearing a tuxedo...


shake the bear

i can't believe i'm posting this


Speaking of Anal(d)og...

speaking of ANALOG...

honey... this is some SERIOUS ANALOG REALNESS...

Analog dance music

I mean I can't help but be impressed by these silly swedes...makes me want to go into the studio right now.

Spank Rock - bangers & cash


Suddenly... I'm Not Half The Woman I Used To Be...



XXXmas with Inga

Won'tcha won'tcha cum with me, let me see your Christmas tree...

All the ladies on the floor, Santa's here to give some more...

take a chance on me...

i'm having a huge abba drag day...



this is from L__ and T_r_n (to protect the innocent) YOOOOOUUUUU

Shock Corridor

A great noir set in an insane asylum.



And they pull it off live - Love john


MGMT>>my new fav band

the young boy (22) who i m sorta seeing well he brought this badn to my attention they just graduated and well they are fun fun fun . and yes they are called management from the BKLYN


G is Gay. Gay Gay Gay.

Shit, if we're reposting stuff now, then I'm putting up more from the Forbidden Zone. Can I get a what what?

New Star Wars toys

I'm on fire with the lamest postings that can be done.

Commodore 64 love

I didn't have a commodore 64 but this photo essay on CNN is sweeeeeet.


Just blousing

Here's the Christmas flix that gets me gushing more than season one of Alley McBeal.

I always get nostalgic for this around the Holidays

I mean I think this movie dictated my life. I even truly dig this tune, and want to dance with my hands above head with Starr...so hot. I mean I haven't seen anything as remotely cool as this pier party, EVER, it's impossible to top...

Weng Weng

An inspiring tribute to the biggest star of the Philippines.

Weng Weng (September 7, 1957 — August 29, 1992) was a Filipino actor and martial artist. He was born in Baclaran, in what is now Parañaque City.[3] Only 2 foot, 9 inches (83 cm) tall, he is listed in the Guinness World Records as the shortest adult actor in a leading role. He played Secret Agent 00 in "For Y’ur Height Only," "The Impossible Kid," and "D’Wild Wild Weng".


The original Guitar Hero

Painful early performance by Jack Nicholson as "Stoney", in the 1968 Dick Clark produced "psychedelic" anti-drug b-movie "Psych-0ut". See if you can recognize the music!

1968 Trailer:

here we go again...

every year i watch this fucking christmas special, and literally every year, i'm totally soaked in tears from beginning to end... seriously... i can't help it... i have no idea why... but i literally cry from the opening note to the end... just ask mr. pink... it's true...! (how embarrassing...)
i can't even hear the music from this thing in public or i INSTANTLY start tearing... it's pretty hysterical...
i don't even like talking about it, because i'll totally start crying...

The Wii gets more immersive technology...

a new & improved Feel-a-Rama.



Meanwhile, In the Metro

is it just me... or does everyone else miss the presence of one MR. HEATH...????
where the hell is she lately?
in the meantime, enjoy this photo...

The Hottest Disco Aerobics EVER... (Like, for totals Bra...!)

if this doesn't give you a total thursday morning pussy-splash, nothing will...


Dylan seals uber-douche award?

A 10% off holiday sale on the Bob Dylan e-store site with a banner ad for live-nation (Clear Channel?) prominently featuring titties. That makes the Caddilac ads look tasteful. That's like opening a Hooters inside of a Starbucks. That's Bob Dylan, FOT UberDouche of 2007!

Bag rage

Add this to the "i can't believe we haven't posted this yet" category. A classic and unbelievably funny... not staged, although RC may challenge me on that.

R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet (part 1 & 2)

Why haven't we posted these before? Has anyone watched all 22? episodes?

http://www.ifc.com/static/sections/kelly/trapped.html (best quality here)


Hand Vagina


If Mike Huckabee wasn't a republican, a conversative christian, against same sex marriage and abortion I would probably vote for him.


Dick is a Killer.

Read about this in Salon.com today. Absolute brilliance.

Our fearless leader!

Max Headroom Video Hijacking - 20th Anniversary

Another terrifying PSA!

Canadians are sickos.

Terrifying PSA!

Good, good.



FOX NEWS LOVES TITS. http://foxnewsporn.com/videos.php

She's Baaaaacccckkkk!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays, Love Brenda...
As Recommended By FOT Fan "Dondi"

somebody please give this woman her own show...

Speaking of House of 1000 Corpses...

Seriously, Mr. Zombie created a masterpiece, now that you mention it. Captain Spaulding? Tiny? Mother Firefly? The Professor? DOCTOR SATAN, anyone? Brilliance.

Pander pander, pander pander


The Fantom of Liberty

Only one of the greatest FOT movies ever made... whenever we get around to an FOT film festival this has to be included.


First Dance as Bride & Groom

i think this is going to happen @ mr. pink's wedding...

Watch FOT differently

Did you ever want to watch video after video from FOT?

So my friend Taylor made a video watching system called Chime.tv a few months ago.

Basically watch a list of videos in a tv like fashion, they play after each other. I can't say how happy I am with all the features. It will be able to play many of the FOT posts no problem. You can also watch many video sites like this.

Give it a try. http://chime.tv/http://www.fartontits.com


I DIDNT get the sex Change so I took the Money & went to BErgdorfs

I have to see this movie .. i m watching now women in revolt and well Candy darling is wow !!

DANCE INspiratioN!!


Support our brethren on the content side...

Rise up and fight the power, my bretheren, and Dear Mr. Redstone can kiss our asses. Anybody picketing?


More lemon party...

DEC 8th, 2007 / SANTACON '07

i think FOT seriously needs to represent at this years SANTACON...

"MMMm What you saaay"


Oh fuck, I love this song.

Watch it.

Here sir, have another.

Guitars are gay...

Are you ready for the new sensation?

Base2John's DLR pic inspired this... a classic video capturing David Lee Roth at his most baroque. Gotta love the giant microphone... so subtle. Note Billy Sheehan (cock bass) and Steve Vai (cock guitar) outdoing each other in instrument gymnastics while DLR prances around like a show pony.

Holiday Shopping Lineup

I can't wait to be the Uncle that is asked to stop bringing gifts for the children.

Pee and Poopie

Dolly with boy junk




Iron Maiden Shreds

You owe to yourself to check out the rest of St Sanders "shreds" series

Damn kids, get off my lawn...

Somebody needs to get slapped.

Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah


Don't settle for walkin'

More celebrity sell-out-titude


Greyhounds and Cats

Apparently, we may be the first hot greyhound owners. I did find this video very encouraging.

thursday afternoon asian boobs

JC Penney Catalog 1977


Jonny Queef

My Alphabet

i'd love to re-record this "FOT" style...
we can make the whole FOT alphabet... like "A is for Anal Bleaching" and "B is for Bukkake Videos"
does anyone have a discount on a recording studio...?

Turning Crapanese


Hey, is that a little person running around your pyramid hat?

Are they the Portuguese Spinal Tap? I Report. You Decide.

Sony soft leather TWA/T for $39.99

Does not come in pink.

No Ebony... Just IVORY...

hot chicks with robots 2

Bottom right is a Heathkit Hero robot I fondly remember from a Mr. Wizard episode as well as a school field trip to the science museum. Top left are two ripe ones ready for a gas explosion.


COFFY (She'll CREAM you...)

this is best movie of all time... seriously... there couldn't possible be a better movie than this... ever...
i demand upon being BURIED with a DVD of this...


Cookie Monster in Rehab

A Fair(y) Use tale

This is a long one but I think completely brilliant. Dive in if you want to learn about the magical world of copyright law.

Mom? Do you... umm... errrrr... uhhh....

Poor thing.


Grove's Emulsified Nose Drops

Hmmm.... this raises a few red flags for me... click the title link for a damn tootin' radio ad. Not sure if these are terribly responsible products...


Bim Bam Boom, Bim Bam Boom!

Didn't have Crazy Eddie. We had Federated.

Growing up on on the West Coast, like poor Windfeeler and I, we missed out on Crazy Eddie and the other TriState gems. We had Federated. It was very sad. Poor Mr. Federated went nuts and started just SMASHING PRICES. 19" Color TVs for prices that were just INSAAAAAAAAAAANE.

Just like heaven, unironically

I think this is a precious example of a video and song that though dated, though showing the beginnings of Robert Smith's blossoming obesity, though perhaps not even the Cure at their finest, still retains a little piece of tender beauty.

And another brilliant song/video just for good measure:

Girl's Costume Warehouse

If you can't be a plushie, you can still be sexy.

Criswell Predicts: Plan 9 From Outer Space

Lee Hazelwood and Nina Lizell



25... Awesome Horror Movie Kills

Had to remove the word "most" from our title but great none the less.
PantherModerns » Blog Archive » 25 Most Awesome Horror Movie Kills

Plushie Sex

Growing Up "Tri-State"

this one goes out to all you kids who grew up in the "Tri State Area"...

An Entire Day Spent Grooming...

ok ok i know it's a LONG one...
but this is hands down my favourite MST3K EVER!!!!!
i really love this one...
i've been telling these jokes for YEARS... if you listen carefully, you'll probably discover where i ripped off some of my classic "lines"


My Halloween Co-worker

My co-worker Rafael got really into Halloween... scared the shit out of me.

Weight-Lifting Accident...

inspired by RC, i think this hearkens back to our original post, in the spirit of accidental shits everywhere...

well placed ads

Forgive Me Father, For I Have Swallowed...



http://view.break.com/384180 - Watch more free videos

The Cockroach FAQ

click the above link to find out the answer to every single question you've ever had about ROACHES...

Best question: Do cockroaches bite?
Worst answer: Only when you sleep.

Rotting Pumpkin

typing the phrase "rotting pumpkin" into google is quite a fun activity!!!


Who sent you one mo' 'gain?

Por El Dia De Los Muertos!


I have been missing from here and slowly will catch back up

Buddhist seek assistance with neighbor dog.

Buddhist seek assistance with helping neighbor dog re enter life
stream. Cannot do myself because of religion. Dog loudness make
enlightenment hard. Dog need to reincarnate.

Can trade free yoga lesson or teach to meditate.

Mr. Pink's Breakfast Pizza...

one more day 'til halloween!!!

eBay Feedback Profile for tryork5ifp

read the comments, jems like...

GREAT! As promised, just 3 drops in her drink and she was mine for the night A+

A+ The 8 quart enema kit makes a tasteful icebreaker on those awkward 1st dates!

Taliban Training Manuals arrived dicreetly packed and labelled.PLSsend 9000 more


I Was Made For Lovin' You Baby...

this REALLY happened...

click on the title link for the most eye opening moment of television EVER...
(As Reccomended by FOT Fan _ike _andell)

arnold fights bear

did i already post this? if i did.. sorry


Condom Song - Telugu

sent to me by FOT reader K_isty

The Older guys

Gram Parsons! This is the inspiration for my next music video, think this crossed with The talented Mr. Ripley.


These days, this has been my therapy

Pokemon Vagina

Christmas With The Lohans...

Bob Dylan is the sell-outiest

Kelly Nestruck
from The Guardian music blog

How many roads must a man drive down before you can call him The Man? The answer my friends, is one road, if that road is driven down in a gas-guzzling Cadillac Escalade.

Bob Dylan the "countercultural icon" - note the extremely sarcastic quotation marks - has sold out so many times that you'd think nothing would be shocking anymore. He's gone electric, he's gone Christian, he released a live album exclusively at Starbucks. He's even written a song for a movie starring Katie Holmes.

But none of that bothers me. It's the year 2007. Who cares? He's a maverick! He's Dylan!

His latest act of judas-ery, however, is too much for even a cynical, consumerist nihilist like me. Why on earth would someone who possesses the intelligence of Dylan shill for the Cadillac Escalade? Has he not heard that the climes, they are a-changing? I understand the ads are a tie-in with his XM radio show, but SUVs - especially luxury SUVs - are repugnant vehicles.


Make Me So Holy!

I like them big.

from FOT advocate CNILES


Steve Vai shred satire

This goes out to Senor Ding Dong... btw, Youtube took down an FOT post of mine from the summer in which someone overdubbed an Yngwie Malmsteen guitar lesson in which he states Ï am your God leetle boys! Still searching for it, then I will repost!


click on the title link to learn more about the pants-lifting craze thats sweeping the nation's youth...


This dude went and overdubbed horrible guitar solos over classic "guitar god" moments. Jake E. Lee shreds while Ozzy claps along like a tard. Yeah!!!

It's Raining Men...

Hey lover