
Hand Vagina


If Mike Huckabee wasn't a republican, a conversative christian, against same sex marriage and abortion I would probably vote for him.


Dick is a Killer.

Read about this in Salon.com today. Absolute brilliance.

Our fearless leader!

Max Headroom Video Hijacking - 20th Anniversary

Another terrifying PSA!

Canadians are sickos.

Terrifying PSA!

Good, good.



FOX NEWS LOVES TITS. http://foxnewsporn.com/videos.php

She's Baaaaacccckkkk!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays, Love Brenda...
As Recommended By FOT Fan "Dondi"

somebody please give this woman her own show...

Speaking of House of 1000 Corpses...

Seriously, Mr. Zombie created a masterpiece, now that you mention it. Captain Spaulding? Tiny? Mother Firefly? The Professor? DOCTOR SATAN, anyone? Brilliance.

Pander pander, pander pander


The Fantom of Liberty

Only one of the greatest FOT movies ever made... whenever we get around to an FOT film festival this has to be included.


First Dance as Bride & Groom

i think this is going to happen @ mr. pink's wedding...

Watch FOT differently

Did you ever want to watch video after video from FOT?

So my friend Taylor made a video watching system called Chime.tv a few months ago.

Basically watch a list of videos in a tv like fashion, they play after each other. I can't say how happy I am with all the features. It will be able to play many of the FOT posts no problem. You can also watch many video sites like this.

Give it a try. http://chime.tv/http://www.fartontits.com


I DIDNT get the sex Change so I took the Money & went to BErgdorfs

I have to see this movie .. i m watching now women in revolt and well Candy darling is wow !!

DANCE INspiratioN!!


Support our brethren on the content side...

Rise up and fight the power, my bretheren, and Dear Mr. Redstone can kiss our asses. Anybody picketing?


More lemon party...

DEC 8th, 2007 / SANTACON '07

i think FOT seriously needs to represent at this years SANTACON...

"MMMm What you saaay"


Oh fuck, I love this song.

Watch it.

Here sir, have another.

Guitars are gay...

Are you ready for the new sensation?

Base2John's DLR pic inspired this... a classic video capturing David Lee Roth at his most baroque. Gotta love the giant microphone... so subtle. Note Billy Sheehan (cock bass) and Steve Vai (cock guitar) outdoing each other in instrument gymnastics while DLR prances around like a show pony.

Holiday Shopping Lineup

I can't wait to be the Uncle that is asked to stop bringing gifts for the children.

Pee and Poopie

Dolly with boy junk




Iron Maiden Shreds

You owe to yourself to check out the rest of St Sanders "shreds" series

Damn kids, get off my lawn...

Somebody needs to get slapped.

Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah


Don't settle for walkin'

More celebrity sell-out-titude


Greyhounds and Cats

Apparently, we may be the first hot greyhound owners. I did find this video very encouraging.

thursday afternoon asian boobs

JC Penney Catalog 1977


Jonny Queef

My Alphabet

i'd love to re-record this "FOT" style...
we can make the whole FOT alphabet... like "A is for Anal Bleaching" and "B is for Bukkake Videos"
does anyone have a discount on a recording studio...?

Turning Crapanese


Hey, is that a little person running around your pyramid hat?

Are they the Portuguese Spinal Tap? I Report. You Decide.

Sony soft leather TWA/T for $39.99

Does not come in pink.

No Ebony... Just IVORY...

hot chicks with robots 2

Bottom right is a Heathkit Hero robot I fondly remember from a Mr. Wizard episode as well as a school field trip to the science museum. Top left are two ripe ones ready for a gas explosion.


COFFY (She'll CREAM you...)

this is best movie of all time... seriously... there couldn't possible be a better movie than this... ever...
i demand upon being BURIED with a DVD of this...


Cookie Monster in Rehab

A Fair(y) Use tale

This is a long one but I think completely brilliant. Dive in if you want to learn about the magical world of copyright law.

Mom? Do you... umm... errrrr... uhhh....

Poor thing.


Grove's Emulsified Nose Drops

Hmmm.... this raises a few red flags for me... click the title link for a damn tootin' radio ad. Not sure if these are terribly responsible products...


Bim Bam Boom, Bim Bam Boom!

Didn't have Crazy Eddie. We had Federated.

Growing up on on the West Coast, like poor Windfeeler and I, we missed out on Crazy Eddie and the other TriState gems. We had Federated. It was very sad. Poor Mr. Federated went nuts and started just SMASHING PRICES. 19" Color TVs for prices that were just INSAAAAAAAAAAANE.

Just like heaven, unironically

I think this is a precious example of a video and song that though dated, though showing the beginnings of Robert Smith's blossoming obesity, though perhaps not even the Cure at their finest, still retains a little piece of tender beauty.

And another brilliant song/video just for good measure:

Girl's Costume Warehouse

If you can't be a plushie, you can still be sexy.

Criswell Predicts: Plan 9 From Outer Space

Lee Hazelwood and Nina Lizell



25... Awesome Horror Movie Kills

Had to remove the word "most" from our title but great none the less.
PantherModerns » Blog Archive » 25 Most Awesome Horror Movie Kills

Plushie Sex

Growing Up "Tri-State"

this one goes out to all you kids who grew up in the "Tri State Area"...

An Entire Day Spent Grooming...

ok ok i know it's a LONG one...
but this is hands down my favourite MST3K EVER!!!!!
i really love this one...
i've been telling these jokes for YEARS... if you listen carefully, you'll probably discover where i ripped off some of my classic "lines"