
Connecting the dots, pitying the fools.

Okay, the men's lingerie thing also has an ad with Mr. T in a tank saying "Quit yer whinin." Mr. T has huge balls. See the connection? Hmmm?

Oh Damn!!!!

I forgot all about the cereal. Pants and hats off to Dr. Fecks.


Rc. said...

Why did he fuck with that alligator? Just grabbed her tail & threw her out of the pond for no good reason. Mr. T's not just bad ass; he's a bad asshole. Animal rights. Animal justice.

Fudgewhiff Mc Fudglesfart said...

dang... the "ethnic rainbow" on this is totally out of control... its' like a Benneton ad threw up on the animation cel...
does anyone remember the MISTER T CEREAL? it was basically B-LIST Captain Crunch shaped like a T...
(but i do remember his action figures were by GALOOB)