i'm really impressed that C-list hollywood is all the way behind Obama...????? i'll be sure and let the senator know that the terrible pesudo-homo "actor" from Brother & Sisters is definitely going to sway my voting decision to PRO OBAMA...(NOT)
i need LESS penis in my oval office... it's long overdue for some roast beef curtains hanging on the windows of the Whitehouse... HIL ON THE HILL, ALL THE WAY...
i'm really impressed that C-list hollywood is all the way behind Obama...?????
i'll be sure and let the senator know that the terrible pesudo-homo "actor" from Brother & Sisters is definitely going to sway my voting decision to PRO OBAMA...(NOT)
i need LESS penis in my oval office...
it's long overdue for some roast beef curtains hanging on the windows of the Whitehouse...
i have a feeling this is going to backfire real bad... not to mention i can almost TASTE the SNL parody...
This is a great way to get around a writer's strike by being/singing/lipsinking already existing political speeches.
btw, Go Obama!
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