
"A Video Movie Could Improve Your Life"


El Fancypants said...

OH MY DEAR LORD. Did you see that? They totally made a dragon appear in that lake. So lifelike!

I love the cuts, between sentences, like they only had a limited amount of footage to use... that video movie film is expensive, no? Don't want to waste it doing retakes...How about....(cut) animation? How about...(cut) our anniversary?

How about...(cut) making amateur porn to HBO for late night viewing by other overweight middle aged Midwesterners and/or Canadians?

Fudgewhiff Mc Fudglesfart said...

please say it's a JOKE!!!

Fudgewhiff Mc Fudglesfart said...

i think i need Grief Counseling after watching this!!!

Rc. said...

What about animation?