
CUMfort Wipe...

for all you GERM-O-PHOBES out there...
or those of you who are too freaked out to touch parts of your own body (or something you ate 12 hours earlier?)

1 comment:

El Fancypants said...

"This allows you to maintain your dignity if you just happen to be too obese to reach your own anus, and will save you the embarrassment of having to walk out of McDonalds with feces smeared all over your hands and pants, alerting the other diners that you are indeed too large for ordinary wiping. Bring one with you and you can finally enjoy that 4th Whopper Supreme without fearing your customary explosive diarrhea. Also for people who find toilet paper icky."

Brilliant product of the month, Herr Fecks. I'm Fecked.