You probably shouldn't join the group if you adhere to the following....otherwise you'd be a hypocrite, which is number 14 on the list.
Requirements to be a Hipster:
1. Your idea of "vintage" costs over 50 dollars and most likely was not bought thrift.
2. Chuck Palahniuk is the voice of your generation. Jack Kerouac just speaks to your soul.
3. Your idea of poetry is something written in a moving car.
4. Bangs swept across the eyes are a must for that "mysterious" look.
5. Never leave home without your skinny jeans. Especially if you're a man.
6. When in doubt, wear plaid.
7. You appropriate religious symbols in your everyday fashion.
8. You love foreign films, you just can't pronounce the titles.
9. Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and James Dean are idols....even if you haven't seen their films.
10. You're a creative writing major who can't creatively write.
11. Good music is always found in SPIN magazine.
12. Leggings.
13. Skirts over jeans, cause that's the shit.
14. You are hypocritical about your past, tastes, etc.
15. You measure the depth of your soul by the thickness of the frames on your non-prescription glasses.
16. You've most likely never been to a real concert, or even seen a true "indie" band.
17. You're banking on your parents paying to have the holes in your gauged ears fixed when you get bored.
18. You systematically rip off other's styles - because that makes you "original."
19. Wes Andersen is a God - Zach Braff is Jesus, and Sofia Coppala is the Mary to complete the "genius" film trinity.
20. You're totally into "old school" music.
21. Swaying: it's like ballroom for hipsters.
22. You wear things cool people wore 10 years ago....and paid less for.
23. You use words like vacuous, but you can't spell them.
25. Late night coffee runs .......POWERFUL.
26. You think even though you adhere to all the things on this list, you're still not a hipster.
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